The poetry of being

Ana Gurduza is an inventor of shapes and ideas from the Republic of Moldova based in Bucharest. Along ceramics, the interest in esthetic assignments, from painting to graphic work sailed a path for experimentation and exploration.
The academic formation is one of an architect in restoration, therefore the practice of it joined the love for history and ruins, and the poetry of the past. A career in architecture paved the path for art that makes use of the first principles regarding proportions, color theory, developing concepts, and aspiration for beauty.
For now, the blend of materials, tactility, and images is the main preoccupation. The use of watercolors and oil mediums for painting is prevalent along with cobalt blue for porcelain. The aim is to Learn, Practice, and Preach the immortal value of the invisible.

What we let behind

A fundamental gift came to me from pain, when I saw the earth old houses in a museum. My tears were along with my thoughts, I had this and I lost, nobody will live this life again, it is when inconveniently I started to reconstruct the house of childhood as an atelier. The nostalgia of images and objects inspired me.
The atelier aims to create unique pieces and images that investigate ceramics as a medium for ancestral memories, painting, illustration, and engraving for creating timeless images. The workshop wants to be rather a space of experiments where mistakes are steps toward forms with the conscience of time, beauty, and poetry. It is a space of joy in a continuous process of becoming, resulting in objects with stories that invite the senses to tactile beauty and timelessness. 

Sail into my journey.

Phone: +40 771 672 897

Atelier by appointment:

Cavafii vechi 11 Street, Bucharest, 030254

We deliver on Wednesday and Friday

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Ig: ars_ana

Phone: +40 771 672 897

Atelier (only by appointment):

Cavafii vechi 11 Street, Bucharest, Romania, 030254

Send your inquiry